At New Hope Global, we work hard everyday to better the lives of our charity's recipients through our many causes — including Education, Employability, Training, Arts and Culture, History and Heritage, and Fighting Poverty. Learn more about our efforts and how working together can make a lasting impact! Contact us if you’d like more information on how to donate or volunteer or join to fight against COVID 19.
As you all know the Coronavirus has affected the beloved communities in a way we never thought it would have been possible. One in four and one in three who have the coronavirus never show any symptoms.
New Hope Global in collaboration with Birmingham City Council and GPDQ, is supporting the Covid-19 lateral flow test, the mobile testing unit is at your doorstep. The test is now taking place at Birchfield Library Car Park, 3 Trinity Road, Aston, BIRMINGHAM B6 6AH.
The mobile unit is here every day until Tuesday 19/01/2021. There are other test sites throughout the city.
Please use the link to book online.
Currently, if you need help with booking please contact New Hope Global. 0121 455 8144 ask to speak to Juma Begum, Office Manager.
Let's beat the virus. Get tested, save lives, and protect our NHS.
Collaboration photos AND VIDEOS

Distribution of the Covid-19 resource kit

We are running an English language course in Aston and Small heath. It is FREE and it is open for those from an ethnic minority, living in Birmingham. Each session will be relaxed, and will also provide a chance to meet and get to know other people in the community.
The course aims, through increasing its participants' English language skills, to reduce social isolation in local communities in Birmingham. It is well known that lack of English language skills is a big barrier to community cohesion and leads to individuals becoming socially isolated. This project will provide English speaking skills and confidence, increasing employment opportunities.
The lessons will be taught by our experienced volunteers, who are English native speakers and have experience in teaching to adults. Please ring our office to book a place or if you have any questions (contact details below).

Covid-19 kit bag distribution to worshiper in collaboration with Jalalabad masjid, aston, NHG chairman Mr Uddin, and his team carried out myth-busting about the covid-19 vaccine.
# Save lives
# Take the Covid-19 Vaccine
# Protect the NHS